Use Product-Feed Advertising on Social Media

For nearly 15 years, marketers have been relying on product display ads to boost advertising campaigns. A few short years ago targeting capabilities, advanced analytics, and product ads opportunities, weren’t available. It’s time to carry these results over to other marketing channels, get your marketers excited and improve advertising. How can you do that? Simple, with Product-Feed-based advertising. Product-feed advertising on social media may be your solution for delivering highly targeted personalized ads to your audience. We have listed four advantages that product–feed advertising has to offer that you may want to consider.

1. Boost Ad-Performance

No one enjoys seeing ads they care nothing about. In all honesty, reaching the right people with the right message isn’t always easy but by automating the process, feed-based advertising creates efficiencies. It will boost ad performance in ways that truly move the needle.

2. Consistency

Feed-based advertising allows you to reach your audience with relevant products at the right time. Consistency is important not only as consumers return to your website, but also in the ads they view. Although people move from device to device they are almost always logged in as themselves on social channels. Which means, you have access to a personalized and authenticated data.

3. Accelerate the Process

The purpose of programmatic feed advertising is to addresses the issue by accelerating the development process. This makes things easier for marketers. Rather than rely on a creative agency or in house team to put them together, assemble ads from the product feed itself. It will not only save you save time but money.

4. Ability to Scale

Feed-based advertising streamlines the process so that you can combine the right ad and or destination with the data you have. You can effectively manage and optimize social ad campaigns on Instagram and or Facebook at scale.


If you want a simple strategy that can be personalized, boost performance and retargeted for maximum impact, then get feed based advertising!
It will not only deliver consistent customer experiences but it will accelerate the creative development process.


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