Grow Your Profit by 5-10% With Email Marketing

Grow Your Profit by 5-10% With Email Marketing

You might be surprised to learn that you have extra profit to the tune of 5-10% of your current bottom line just sitting in a database somewhere.

We’re referring to your email list. For businesses—especially ecommerce companies—your email database has enormous potential for increasing sales and customers.

How do you capitalize on that potential and turn that database into profit? After years of working with small businesses, we’ve developed an ecommerce process that we’ve seen grow sales by 5-10% within 30-60 days. And we’re sharing that with you today.

E Commerce Process

  1. Strategize
    Strategize the emails you’ll be sending out and understand what you want your ultimate offer to be. For example: a new product you’re releasing, increasing sales for a popular product, getting referrals, getting reviews, etc.

  2. Create a schedule
    Determine whether you’ll send out emails weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Email marketing scheduling looks different for everyone depending on the products you’re selling and the demographic you’re selling to. For example: If you’re selling products and often run deals with X percentage off of those products, then you’ll want to send out your emails weekly. Users will anticipate and look for the next good deal.

    Start off warm, be informative about your products, and be subtle on the ask. If you’ve not been consistently communicating with your database list, you can’t just jump into asking them to buy your products—even if they are current customers.

  3. Refine your ask:
    Part of strategizing is determining what you’ll ask and when you’ll offer incentives to your existing database. Below are a few examples of specific requests you can make of your email subscribers as well as what you can offer them.

    Requests for reviews should be automated and sent to users after a sale. If your product takes 3-5 days to be delivered, you’ll also need to factor in the time it takes for the user to determine if your product was good for them or not.

    Example 1: If you sell jewelry, it’s good to have an automated email go out 1-3 days after the customer receives it.

    Example 2: If your product is cosmetic and it may take your customer a week or so to see results, then you want to send them an automated email 7-10 days after they receive it.

    Let’s make this simple. You’re asking your customer to be a salesperson for you. How can you encourage them to do so in order to receive some sort of incentive? After all, no one is going to do anything for free. Make it sound enticing. Make it feel easy for them to receive a reward.

    Example 1: Want to receive an extra $25? Refer a friend and we’ll give you $25 off your next purchase.

    Example 2: Refer a friend and you both get X% off your next purchase.

    Discount off of a product
    People want your products. You already know this. But people also love a good deal.
    If your offer is limited, you want to persuade potential customers to hurry and buy. By saying that your most popular product is 30% off to the first 100 buyers, you will create a sense of urgency.

    Have you ever seen a popular music artist have a concert and when the email is released, people rush to buy? That’s because seats are limited and it’s First Come, First Served. While you may not be Taylor Swift or Drake, you can still create the same effect.

    Example: Buy 1 Get 1 for 7 days only! Hurry now before we’re sold out.

    Your Buy 1 Get 1 sale should not be too long. If you want it to last for 60 days, divide it up into 7-10 day increments. That way, if people don’t do it the first time and time runs out, they’ll have FOMO the next time around.

    Remember, the strategy behind discounts isn’t just to provide a special rate, it’s to drive sales quickly within a short period of time.

    Give them a reason to act NOW, and not later.

Getting started

Turning your email database into profit is possible, but it takes a strategic approach. If you have questions about the process outlined above, or need support on developing an email marketing strategy for your ecommerce business, contact us for a free strategy call.

10 Reasons to Redesign Your Website

10 Reasons to Redesign Your Website

Your website is your digital storefront, and its appearance and functionality can significantly impact your brand’s success. If you’re contemplating a website redesign, you’re on the right track to staying competitive and engaging with your audience. In this blog post, we’ll explore ten compelling reasons why you should consider redesigning your website.

  1. Outdated Design:
    If your website design looks outdated, visitors may perceive your business as obsolete or less credible. A modern, visually appealing design can instill trust and captivate your audience. An outdated design not only deters visitors but also impacts your brand’s reputation. Your website should reflect the current design trends and showcase that your business is in touch with the times.

  2. Poor User Experience:
    Websites that are hard to navigate, slow to load, or not mobile-friendly frustrate visitors. A website redesign can enhance the user experience and keep visitors engaged. A seamless user experience is essential for retaining visitors and encouraging them to explore your content and products. A well-designed website ensures that users can easily find what they’re looking for and have a positive interaction with your brand.

  3. Ineffective Branding:
    If your website doesn’t effectively represent your brand’s identity, it’s time to reevaluate your branding and redesign your site accordingly.

    Your website should be a reflection of your brand. A mismatch between your brand’s identity and your website design can lead to confusion and deter potential customers. A redesign allows you to align your website with your brand’s messaging and image.

  4. Low Conversion Rates:
    If your website isn’t converting visitors into customers or leads, you may need to revamp your content, calls to action, and overall design to improve conversion rates.Conversion rates are a critical metric for the success of your website. A website redesign can focus on improving the elements that influence conversions, such as the clarity of your calls to action, the placement of contact forms, and the persuasive power of your content.

  5. Lack of Mobile Responsiveness:
    With the majority of web traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s crucial that your website is responsive and functions seamlessly on smartphones and tablets.Mobile responsiveness is no longer an option but a necessity. Ensuring that your website provides a great user experience on mobile devices is essential for attracting and retaining visitors who access your site on their smartphones and tablets.

  6. Inadequate SEO:
    If your website is not optimized for search engines, it’s missing out on potential organic traffic. A redesign can improve SEO, leading to higher visibility in search results. SEO is the foundation of online visibility. A website that is not optimized for search engines will struggle to rank well in search results, making it difficult for potential visitors to find your site. A redesign can include SEO improvements to boost your search engine rankings.
  7. Security Concerns:
    Older websites may have vulnerabilities that make them susceptible to cyberattacks. A redesign can include security enhancements to protect your site and user data.

    Security is a top priority in the digital age. Protecting your website and the data of your users is crucial for maintaining trust and credibility. A website redesign can involve implementing the latest security measures to safeguard your online presence.

  8. Content Staleness:
    Outdated content can harm your website’s credibility. Regularly refreshing your content keeps your audience engaged and demonstrates your industry expertise.Fresh, relevant, and informative content is essential for keeping visitors engaged and informed. Regularly updating your content not only provides value to your audience but also signals to search engines that your site is active and relevant.

  9. Competitive Advantage:
    If your competitors have updated their websites and you haven’t, you risk losing potential customers to more appealing and functional sites.

    The digital landscape is constantly evolving. Keeping your website updated and competitive is essential for staying ahead of the competition. A website redesign can help you stand out in your industry and attract visitors looking for modern, user-friendly experiences.

  10. Changing Business Goals:
    As your business evolves, your website should too. A redesign allows you to align your site with your current objectives, services, and products.

    Your website should be a reflection of your business’s current goals and offerings. If your business has expanded, rebranded, or shifted its focus, your website should adapt to these changes. A redesign ensures that your website remains in sync with your business objectives.

  11. A website redesign can breathe new life into your online presence and provide a better experience for your audience. It’s an investment that can yield significant returns by attracting more visitors, improving conversions, and maintaining a positive brand image. Take these reasons into consideration and start planning your website redesign to stay competitive in the digital landscape.

Why Isn’t Anyone Visiting My Company Website?

Why Isn’t Anyone Visiting My Company Website?

You’ve invested time, money, and effort into building a company website, but for some reason, you’re not seeing the web traffic you expected. It’s a common issue, but there are reasons behind it, and solutions to help you turn the tide. In this blog post, we’ll explore why your website might be lacking visitors and what you can do to change that.

Weak or Missing Meta Tags

Meta title and meta description tags provide a concise and accurate summary of a webpage’s content. Search engines use these tags to determine the content of a page and display relevant information to users in search results. When well-crafted, meta tags can entice users to click on your link by providing a clear and compelling description of what your page offers. This not only increases the click-through rate but also enhances the overall user experience. Moreover, properly optimized meta tags with relevant keywords can improve a website’s ranking in search engine results, making it more likely to appear at the top, ultimately driving more organic traffic to your website.

Poor SEO Strategy

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for driving organic traffic. If your website isn’t optimized for search engines, it won’t appear in search results, and potential visitors won’t find you. Consider working with an Austin web designer who understands SEO principles.
SEO is the key to visibility on the internet. Effective SEO includes keyword optimization, meta tags, alt text for images, and high-quality backlinks. Ensuring that your website ranks well in search engine results is crucial for attracting organic traffic.

Lack of Quality Content

Content is king on the internet. If your website doesn’t offer valuable, relevant, and engaging content, visitors have little reason to visit your site or to stick around. Regularly update your site with blog posts, articles, and other content that addresses your audience’s needs and interests.
Content is not only vital for engaging visitors but also for establishing your expertise and authority in your industry. Create content that provides solutions to your target audience’s problems and answers their questions. This will not only help your site appear in search engine results, but keep your target audience on your site once they get there.

Inadequate Social Media Presence

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your website. If you’re not active on platforms relevant to your audience, you’re missing out on an opportunity to attract visitors. Social media allows you to interact with your audience and drive traffic to your website. Share your content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to increase your website’s visibility. Engaging with your social media audience can also create a loyal fan base that regularly visits your site.

Slow Loading Speed

Slow-loading websites frustrate visitors and lead to higher bounce rates. Check your website’s speed and optimize it for quick loading, especially on mobile devices. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify areas that need improvement and work with your web developer to enhance site speed. Faster loading times result in a better user experience and can boost your website’s performance.

Poor Mobile Responsiveness

With the increasing use of mobile devices, your website must be responsive. If it’s not, you’re alienating a significant portion of potential visitors. Mobile responsiveness is no longer optional. A responsive design ensures that your website adapts to various screen sizes, providing an optimal user experience for both desktop and mobile users. Ignoring mobile visitors can have a detrimental impact on your website’s traffic and search engine rankings.

Lack of Marketing

Your website won’t generate traffic on its own. Invest in digital marketing strategies such as pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, and content promotion to attract visitors.
Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) offers immediate results, cost control, and precise targeting, making it a cost-effective way to drive website traffic and compete with larger businesses. Email marketing enables direct and personalized communication with your audience, is cost-effective, and allows for segmentation, automation, and measurable results, fostering stronger connections and high ROI. Content promotion extends the visibility of your content, generating traffic, boosting brand recognition, and encouraging engagement and shares. Effective content promotion can also lead to lead generation by driving visitors to landing pages or gated content, capturing valuable contact information and nurturing potential customers.

There is no silver bullet to increase website traffic, so if you need to understand exactly why you’re not reaching your audience online and how to improve your reach, contact ATX Web Designs for a free consultation today.

5 Tips for Finding an Austin Web Designer

5 Tips for Finding an Austin Web Designer

Are you looking for the perfect Austin web designer to create a website for your business or personal project? As a tech hub, Austin has hundreds of web designers and developers to choose from, but finding a web design agency that matches your style, timeline, and budget is another story.

Finding the right web designer is crucial because your website is often the first impression your audience has of your brand. It needs to be visually appealing, functional, and user-friendly. In this post, we’ll share five tips to help you find the ideal Austin web designer to bring your vision to life.

  1. Start with a Clear Vision:
    Before you begin your search, it’s essential to have a clear vision of what you want your website to achieve. Define your goals, target audience, and the features you want on your site. Having a clear vision will make it easier to communicate your expectations to potential web designers.
  2. Check Their Portfolio:
    A web designer’s portfolio is a reflection of their work and style. Look for designers who have experience in your industry or have created websites with a design aesthetic that aligns with your vision. Reviewing their past projects will give you insight into their capabilities and creativity.

    When reviewing a designer’s portfolio, pay attention to the diversity of projects they’ve worked on. A designer with experience in different industries can bring fresh perspectives and ideas to your project. Look for signs of innovation, attention to detail, and the ability to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

  3. Ask for References:
    Don’t hesitate to ask for references or client testimonials. A reputable web designer will have satisfied clients who are willing to vouch for their skills and professionalism. Contact these references to get a better understanding of what it’s like to work with the designer.

    When contacting references, inquire about the designer’s communication skills, adherence to deadlines, and the overall satisfaction of the clients. Ask if they encountered any challenges during the project and how the designer handled them. Positive references from previous clients are a strong indicator of a designer’s reliability and competence.

  4. Discuss the Process:
    During the initial consultation, discuss the web design process with potential designers. Inquire about their approach, timelines, and communication methods. A transparent and well-structured design process will ensure a smoother collaboration and project completion.
  5. Budget and Pricing:
    While it’s essential to find a designer that fits your budget, don’t compromise on quality for the sake of cost. Compare quotes from different designers and assess the value they provide for the price. Remember that a well-designed website is an investment in your brand’s online presence.

    When evaluating quotes from different web designers, consider not only the cost but also the scope of services included in the package. Cheaper options may cut corners on quality, so it’s important to find a balance between affordability and the level of expertise and services offered. Be clear about your budget from the beginning to ensure transparency and avoid surprises down the line.

Finding the right Austin web designer is a crucial step in building an impressive online presence. Take your time, do your research, and don’t rush the decision-making process. Your website is a vital asset to your business, so make sure it’s in capable hands.

10 Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

10 Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

In today’s digital age, a strong online presence is essential for the success of small businesses. Digital marketing offers a cost-effective way to reach a broader audience, engage with customers, and drive growth. However, navigating the world of digital marketing can be overwhelming, especially for small businesses with limited resources. In this post, we’ll share some valuable digital marketing tips tailored to the needs of small businesses.

  1. Define Your Target Audience
    Before diving into digital marketing, it’s crucial to identify your target audience. Who are your ideal customers? What are their preferences, pain points, and online behavior? By understanding your audience, you can create content and campaigns that resonate with them, leading to more significant engagement and conversions.
  2. Optimize Your Website
    Your website is the foundation of your online presence. Ensure that it is user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and optimized for search engines. A well-designed website with clear navigation and compelling content will not only attract visitors but also encourage them to stay and explore.
  3. Leverage Social Media
    Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer powerful tools for small businesses to connect with their audience. Choose the platforms that align with your target audience and industry, and consistently share relevant content, engage with followers, and run targeted advertising campaigns.
  4. Content is King
    Create valuable and relevant content that educates, entertains, or solves problems for your audience. Blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts are all excellent ways to showcase your expertise and connect with your audience. Consistency is key, so establish a content calendar to maintain a regular publishing schedule.
  5. Email Marketing
    Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and build customer relationships. Collect email addresses through your website and other touchpoints, and then send personalized and engaging email campaigns, such as newsletters, promotions, and updates.
  6. Local SEO
    For brick-and-mortar businesses, local search engine optimization (SEO) is essential. Optimize your website and Google My Business listing with accurate business information, reviews, and location-specific keywords. This will help you appear in local search results when potential customers are looking for products or services in your area.
  7. Pay-Per-Click Advertising
    Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, such as Google Ads, can provide an immediate boost to your online visibility. Set a budget that aligns with your goals, choose relevant keywords, and create compelling ad copy to drive targeted traffic to your website.
  8. Monitor and Analyze
    Regularly monitor the performance of your digital marketing efforts. Use tools like Google Analytics and social media insights to track key metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, and engagement. Analyze this data to make informed adjustments to your strategy.
  9. Build an Online Community
    Engage with your audience by fostering an online community around your brand. Encourage user-generated content, respond to comments and messages promptly, and create a sense of belonging for your customers.
  10. Stay Updated
    The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving. Stay informed about industry trends, algorithm changes, and emerging technologies. Attend webinars, read industry blogs, and consider investing in ongoing education to ensure your strategies remain effective.

Digital marketing offers a plethora of opportunities for small businesses to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. By defining your target audience, optimizing your online presence, and implementing these digital marketing tips, you can effectively reach and engage with your audience, driving growth and success for your small business. Remember that consistency, adaptability, and a customer-centric approach are keys to digital marketing success.

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